

Congratulations on your decision to get married. It’s an exciting time with lots of wedding planning ahead!

While you need only give four months notice of your intention to marry it is common practice for a couple to book the church a long time in advance.

So it is important to contact the Parish Office to make sure that the church is available on the day you require.

You will also need to look at participating in marriage preparation course which is a lovely way for you as a couple to take a look at the gift of your own relationship.

To Book a Pre-Marriage Course

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For any other courses please contact Fr. Brian, to check if they are recommended for preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. Many couples have found the APP ‘Irish Wedding Planner’ very helpful it can be downloaded for Android or iOS smart phones.

The following information may be helpful:

  • To make an appointment regarding your wedding, or to fill up Pre-Marriage Papers  please call the parish office (01) 473 3109 or use the form below to contact the parish office.
  • When the bride/groom are living in the Parish of St. Bernadette the priest of the parish will be delighted to officiate. If you live outside the parish couples are asked to bring their own priest to officiate at their wedding.
  • Go to a priest in the parish of the bride at least THREE MONTHS before the date on which you plan to marry. The meetings of the couple with their priest are a key part of the preparation process. These meetings are an opportunity for a couple to reflect on what Christian marriage asks of them.
  • The priest of the parish where you have lived for the last six months is responsible for filling up a Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form with you and advise you about the various documents that you need to collect. You will need to get a Certificate of Baptism from the parish in which you were baptised, and if your confirmation is not recorded on your baptism certificate then you will need to also get a Certificate of Confirmation from the parish in which you were confirmed. The Baptism cert should be issued within six months of the wedding.
  • Freedom to Marry: The rules governing freedom to marry in the Catholic church can be complicated. The best advice when one party has been married previously (either in a civil or religious ceremony) is not to make arrangements until the diocesan office has been consulted.
  • Mixed Marriages: Special permissions are required for full church recognition of marriages between a Roman Catholic and a baptised non-Catholic or someone unbaptised. Applications are handled by the diocesan office once the priest of the catholic party has forwarded the standard paperwork.
  • It is recommended that all couples who are getting married should attend a Pre-Marriage Course which can be booked online. Early booking is essential and we recommend doing the course at least 4 months before your wedding date.
  • Normally a priest/deacon from the bride’s parish officiates at the marriage ceremony, assuming that the ceremony takes place in the bride’s parish. If you wish to have some other priest (e.g. a relative or friend) officiate, inform the priest in the parish where the ceremony is to take place and he will give the necessary authorisation. In Civil Law, it is now a legal requirement for the solemniser (the priest who officiates at the marriage) to be on the ‘List of Solemnisers’ submitted by each local Bishop to the Registrar-General.
  • Ask the priest who is to officiate at your wedding to help you with the task of creating your marriage ceremony. There are a variety of prayers, blessings, readings, etc. Read through these together and choose the ones you prefer. Choose the person(s) who will read at Mass, person(s) to read the Prayer of the Faithful and the people to bring up the gifts at the Offertory. Rehearse the ceremony in church with the priest before the wedding day.
  • The celebration of the sacrament of Marriage can take place within Mass or as part of a creative Prayer Service of readings, prayers and blessing. We ask you to discuss the best faith options for you with the celebrant.
  • As soon as you have confirmed your date and Celebrant (called Solemniser by the state), it is best to contact the Civil Registrar regarding an appointment to complete and have the Marriage Registration Form (MRF) issued to you.